Soon to be released by Trilogy Publishing!

Just days before his death, Jesus Christ revealed to four of his closest disciples a stunning prophecy about signs that would trigger events leading to his return. He said the generation that sees the beginning of these signs would live to see his return.

Author Dave Slade presents compelling evidence that we are the generation that will witness the beginning and the end of a unique time called the last days. THE LAST GENERATION.

A Student of Prophecy.

More than 30 years ago Dave Slade became intrigued about biblical prophecy when listening to Dr. Chuck Missler. The encounter with the famed prophecy expert began a lifelong pursuit of searching the scriptures for correlations to current events. Dave furthered his knowledge of prophecy with studies by Dr. Mark Hitchcock, Joel Rosenberg, Joel Richardson, Dr. Tom Horn, Dr. L. A. Marzulli, Dr. Douglas Hamp, Dr. Kenneth Johnson, Josh Peck, Jeff Kinsley, Ryan Pitterson, and many others.

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When Truth is Stranger than Fiction

When Truth is Stranger than Fiction

Lately, a book I wrote four years ago called The Christ Virus is beginning to look more and more prophetic. Yesterday, the City of Houston issued subpoenas to a group of pastors demanding they turn over any sermons dealing with homosexuality, gender identity or Annise...

A Chip to Track You

A Chip to Track You

School officials at 13 of Houston's schools are tracking students through Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) chips imbedded in badges the children are required to wear while at school. Administrators maintain the RFID badges are needed to track daily enrollment...

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