Prophetic Novel

He will be a man of destiny.
Hailed by nations.
Worshipped as savior.
A man of peace.
He is coming.
He is unstoppable.
His number is 666.

From the ancient prophets to the New Testament apostles, the Scriptures have predicted the coming of a malevolent leader disguised as a liberator. Dark Star Rising presents a scenario that is uncannily possible in current international geopolitics. Author Dave Slade is engaging and captivating as he unfolds this leader’s ride to world dominance within the construct of today’s Middle Eastern tensions. There’s not a dull moment in this book.

Skip Heitzig

Author of bestselling The Bible from 30,000 feet: Soaring Through the Scriptures in One Year from Genesis to Revelation, Senior Pastor Calvary Church

…realistic, riveting…engrossing.

Dr. Mark Hitchcock

Bestselling Author, Author

Dark Star Rising is the chilling story about the rise of a Last Days leader who will be the most compelling figure in history since Jesus Christ. Author Dave Slade brings to life prophetic scripture about the man whom the Apostle Paul called the ‘lawless one.’ Readers will find this fast-paced story less fiction than reality as it projects from today’s disturbing headlines toward a time of great chaos and hopelessness that will provide the perfect setting for his rise.

Joel Richardson

New York Times Bestselling Author of Mystery Babylon: Unlocking the Bible's Greatest Prophetic Mystery, Author

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