Dave Slade Media
Spectrum Daily Interview
October 12, 2021
Spectrum Daily HD 10 12 21 guest segment Dave Slade.
Prophecy Watchers
November 18, 2020
In 2012, 8 long years ago, author Dave Slade released a fictional novel he called The Christ Virus. He based it on his biblical view of the future with respect to the end-time pandemics and pestilences we see prophesied in the New Testament. In a strange and bizarre twist, he predicted that a wealthy Republican from the state of New York would be elected President and face the challenge of a lifetime … finding a cure for a mutated virus that brings the whole world to its knees and shuts down civilization as we know it. Gary Stearman interviews Dave as they discuss the COVID-19 virus and how it relates to Bible prophecy and to our collective futures. Is this pandemic an indication that we are close to the end of the Church Age?
"Christ Virus" Story on ABQ Connect 09-14-20
The “Christ Virus” Podcast
In 2012 Author Dave Slade released his thriller, “The Christ Virus.” Was the book prophetic because it foretold the 2016 election of a wealthy Republican from New York to the presidency? How did Dave know there would be an outbreak of a deadly pandemic in 2019? These are exciting questions, but it will send a chill up your spine when you read about the events in the story yet to come.
Spectrum Daily Interview
July 14, 2020
Spectrum Daily HD 07 14 20 guest segment Dave Slade.
The Christ Virus OAN Morning News Interview
May 1, 2020
The Christ Virus Promo Video
August, 2012
"Christ Virus" Interview on ABQ Connect 03-10-20
The “Christ Virus” Interview Podcast
ABQ Connect radio interview 03-10-20
As It Was In the Days of Noah Interview 01-22-20
The Christ Virus Podcast
ABQ Connect radio interview 01-22-20
ABQ Connect radio interview 10-27-14
The Christ Virus Radio Spot
ABQ Connect radio interview 10-27-14